Hi guys....its been a while since my last update.....not much to update since i did not make any trades at that moment....Waiting for Gbp/Usd to breakout from its ranging position....
Yesterday, market for Gbp/Usd seems making its movement....As for that, managed to get US33.75....yesterday we play a very small margin because we need to test the market movements...hope it will continue its trending today....
As for last month, our account did not hit the set target.....In fact we making a losses for the first time of our 2 years trading.....Last month performance was -12.5%.......
Last month, manage to withdraw US650 for my personal use...and the capital become US5k back.
As of today, my balance showing as US5053.04 after including today's profits. Pray together that market will make its movement and out from the ranging positions.....Till then...will update later...
Today's Profit : US33.70
Starting Balance : US5,019.34
Current Balance : US5,053.04
Percentage growth : 0.67%
Withdrawal so far : US1,601.51
Hello Readers!!
9 years ago